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Sick Of No Fish?


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After three weeks being shorebound due to poor weather and other committments, a break in the weather and a busy schedule was very welcome.

I headed out at the leasurely hour of 10am and by 10:30 was at the heads. There were some salmon about but were very boat shy and feeding sporadically. I managed none but another bloke using plastics got a few hookups. I then tried bottom bashing off north head for a lot of the usual stuff. Wrass, rod cod and parrot fish but no goodies in the mix such as morwong. So thise fish found themselves back in the water.

I then headed to a trusty calamari spot back in the harbour. Managed 3 nice sized in about 15 mins. the third however got mauled by a kingy on the way up!! What a sight!! So i quickly returned what was left of squid 3 into the water inweighted. 5 mins later my 8lb spinner takes off. I tighten up and apply as much pressure as possible to turn the fish's head when SNAP! The reel broke from its seat. I frantically hold the reel and rod in one hand while winding with the other. After the first run there was no more explosiveness... And up comes :wacko: a 45cm snapper?!?! I was expecting a kingy! So back down with another strip of squid for another snapper of 31cm, just legal. One bust off and then back in to catch a 5pm lecture. Good fun all the same and a beautiful day out. A particular tackle supplier is gonna cop an earful though......



Edited by fishmaniac
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Mmmmm - Kiwi Dan, you've got my mouth watering with that dinner plan!

Great fishing Andrew. Who'd have thought you'd pull decent snapper from a squid spot inside the Harbour? Actually, now that I think about it, it's not so far fetched . . .

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Great fishing Andrew. Who'd have thought you'd pull decent snapper from a squid spot inside the Harbour? Actually, now that I think about it, it's not so far fetched . . .

Mondo, I have it on good authority that a certain proprietor of a certain seafood restaurant in the Eastern Subs regularly pulls big snapper a very short distance from said restaurant, not far fetched at all...

Nice session there, FM :thumbup:

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