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Freshwater 28/8


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Hi there

I'm new to this forum and have just moved to Sydney. Fished Freshwater beach by the swimming pool at low tide last night. Used pilchards, mackerel and squid on ganged hooks. Caught two green eels, a flathead and two of these (see pic). It's probably obvious but can someone ID it for me please.


Can anyone give me some general tips about fishing down there - I'm using a 12ft beachcaster to clear to rocks and 4oz lead so I don't drift to much.



Edited by swordfisherman
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G'day Rattsy, mate cant really give you any tips about fishing down that way but I am pretty sure that you have a pic of an ' OLD BOOT ' a Wirrah.. Welcome to Fishraider and I am sure someone from that area will help you out.. Cheers...

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Hi there

I'm new to this forum and have just moved to Sydney. Fished Freshwater beach by the swimming pool at low tide last night. Used pilchards, mackerel and squid on ganged hooks. Caught two green eels, a flathead and two of these (see pic). It's probably obvious but can someone ID it for me please.


Can anyone give me some general tips about fishing down there - I'm using a 12ft beachcaster to clear to rocks and 4oz lead so I don't drift to much.



G/day Mate, I don't know the area your fishing at all but I have done heaps of rock fishing around sydney and up and down the coast, if you with fish with weight you need to cast past the rocks and on to the sand. Where the sand meets the rocks is where you will find the better eating fish like bream, snapper, lizards and so on, if you want to fish in close where the wash is then you need to fish light' by light I mean with very small sinkers or no lead at all this gives the bait a more natural presentation also using a float can work, particularly fishing pilchard and garfish baits for tailor and kings. Hope this helps a bit :thumbup:

Edited by kikila
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Gday mate,

Not sure what the gutters and rips look like over at "Da Fresh" at the moment, but Manly beach (one beach south if you haven't been for a wonder over yet) is a much longer beach, and usually has good gutters/rips etc.

I've not fished the beach much in the last few years, but I used to do pretty well with Bream, Whiting, Flathead, Tailor, and the occasional Jewfish. Plenty of small Mako's around too depending on season.

Edited by werris
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have a look at north Curly. I fished it for years and it has a few advantages. You can fish near the pool casting almost back toward the beach and can clear the rocks onto the sand. You virtually are looking back to the middle of the beach, with Harboard Diggers Club on your left shoulder. You have to lift and wind quickly as your rig gets close to you when winding in as the rock shelf jumps up quickly. If that is no good to you off the beach is pretty good, just look for gutters around the lagoon entrance.

Good off the beach in a nor'eatser as the wind cuts behind you and you get an off shore affect. The Jew i'n holding came out of there.

Spend some daylight hours there and familiarise yourself with the rocks. They aren't all stable but, you are not fishing the ocean face so you don't get the rouge wave coming at you. Watch it for a while and you will see.

Good Luck,


Easy on the lead too, go as light as you can.

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Hmmmmm, as someone who has a house near Freshy I just saw this and wanted to post my comments.

First off, if you are not an experienced beach fisho, see if you can chum up to someone who is. They teach you so many tips, whether its reading the gutter to bait presentation to how to cast. At Freshy, like people are saying good gutters can and will form, though you are much better on the longer beaches. Manly, Dee Why are good places to start, look for where the waves are not breaking amidst the surf.

Just quickly, if you gave me a run through of your line class ect, whether you use an Alvey I may be able to help more. Also, in direct contradiction to what others are saying, when casting into gutters i prefer much heavier wieghts. Not only does it help casting, but it will tend to allow you to get your baits in the ideal spots without them floating away. Give about 1/2 a metre between sinker and your bait.

Hope this helps, pm me if you need anymore help.

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hi dave, :1welcomeani:

freshwater is good on the lures just around the rockpool all along the rocks. I usualy use 85 gramm raiders in all sorts of colors to be able to cast in the wind. best is before the southerly hits or a good wash is around with a easterly swell round 3ft.

produces kings ,salmon ,tailor and bonito in the warmer months. luderick apeears often and can be cought on local weed. sme applies to black drummer . hang a prawn on a 8 kg line attached to tripplet hook under a bobby and the pigs are yours.usualy up to 6-8kg.what a feast

good luck


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