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Aussie Salmon Fly


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I've dusted off the 9wt long wand ready for a crack at the salmon that will hopefully soon be swarming at North Head.

Just thought I'd post a pic of my favourite sambo fly. I grew up in Tassie so inherited the Rob Sloane philosophy of fly design... general shape, size and how you fish it are more important than exact imitation. I can't be bothered tying flys that have the right number of nipples and fingernails.


This pattern couldn't be simpler. A sparse pattern in sizes 'eyes' to 'whitebait'. They take about 60 seconds to tie and while there are other patterns that catch me as many Salmon (like little Surf Candies), none catch more and none are cheaper or quicker to make.

Keen to see any other favourites of Raiders.

Cheers, Slinky

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Nice looking flys Slinky.

Thinking about having a crack with the long wand this season. Haven't used it for a long time and only on bream, flatties etc in the past.

What flys do you recommend off the shelf for the salmon? Do you use a sinking line? I've only got a 6wt, am i kidding myself?



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Nice looking flys Slinky.

Thinking about having a crack with the long wand this season. Haven't used it for a long time and only on bream, flatties etc in the past.

What flys do you recommend off the shelf for the salmon? Do you use a sinking line? I've only got a 6wt, am i kidding myself?



You could probably have a punt on Salmon using a 6wt and if they are gulping micro bait off the surface then its not like you need to cast a heavy fly - it would be one helluva fun ride. But personally I reckon an 8/9wt is a more credible option which would also allow you to hit up any kingfish along the way without being seriously undergunned.

floating line should suffice to get the small micro bait flies in front of the shoal. I always carry 3 spools for all situations, 1 Scientific Anglers Mastery bonefish WF floating, 1 rio clear sink tip WF and Rio super fast sink deep sea line. Admittedly the first two are more for inshore but I have used the Floating line in most situations except when targeting sub surface blue water species

Bring on the summer salmon hordes!

Edited by Zuluboy
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The 3 flies I throw for salmon, yeah my casting is crap, I recon I could throw the whole rod further than I could cast it! lol would be surf candys, eye flys and clousers.

6wt you'll have a ball and a sore wrist with a great time doing it. I use a 7wt and get them in within a few mins.


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Thanks for the info Zuluboy.

Got any names for the flys I should buy?

Oh yeah - forgot about that!!

All depends on what is being fed upon, for Salmon feeding on micro bait you will need small white epoxy minnows or equivalent. Cast in front of the shoal and the slowly and evenly strip back. There will be a sudden resistance and then the line should start heading for the bottom! :biggrin2:

Otherwise its the normal assortment for those feeding on baitfish; decievers, clousers and flashy profiles in a mix of chatreuse, white and blue combos. Doesnt hurt to stock up on a broad range and other colours as these flies will work on almost all predatory fish you come across.

Have fun!

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