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flatty hunter626

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headed out for a fish yesterday.(thanks the the teachers that decided a day off was the go and went on strike:P). was pretty lazy so didnt hit the water till around 8am and as my boat is still out of action was stuck in a boat from my work traveling at about 4 knots top speed......

this left me with very few options as to where to fish. started off at a favourite flathead spot of mine and fished that for about 3 hours for 1 50cm flatty and an eel....there was more flattys there but was having a very hard time hooking them as they were just gently mouthing the baits. headed up to the paramatta wreck and fished the leases and chuked a jewie bait back into the deeper water for zilch. then over to the point at milson island and fished quite a large eddy there and again nothing though we had a few hard runs on the jew bait but no hook ups.

wasnt to bad a day considering the boat and the locations we had to fish but the 50cm fish was a PB for my mate so that made it worth the time.

cheers flatty hunter

Edited by flatty hunter626
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