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Monday On The Blue

Guest hottuna

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Guest hottuna

Allen Glover and i sat on a 50 off longy soaking baits and livies as we had a good tip of big kings, lost a good fish when the hooks pulled. Round 10 we pointed her east for the wave rider, but it seems its disapeared?

Found some bait in 100m , set a spread of small to med marlin lures, not 5min in and as we rounded the bait the inside 5inch magoo went off, grabbed the rod ping, my braid to mono knot popped! @#$@# pissed. first time its ever let me down. The braids now comming off replcing with 10kg mono. Had two big slimies in the tank which we wanted to troll around the bait school but they disapeared. Bugger.

It was like glass all day, which made looking for fads/traps very easy. Found a ripper of a fad with big blue tarp and all in 100m it had very good size dollies on it and 1 which looked every bit of 10kg! Pulled 1 on livies and 2 lures before they shut down, just as crazed pod of tiny dolphins made a b-line for the fad.

Trolled back to 50m before calling it a day.

Best conditions ive had in months.


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nice work guys

lets pray the winds are kind to us and blow all that 24/26 just sitting off the shelf a little closer in.

there are some hoodlums showing here and there

i jigged a few traps out wide last weekend

and couldnt stop an absolute screamer on 10kg gear

no idea what it was.

hit me mid water then took me to the bottom in around 4 seconds

and i thought i saw smoke coming from my tld :thumbdown:

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You make it all sound so easy Dan.  :1prop:


It pretty well was that easy. seas were excellent, the sea breeze knocked it up a bit but nothing to make it difficult for the good ship HT.

For the record the king/xos red spat the squid strip bait. The lure theif was definate bill as he thrashed the water to foam trying to offload the lure. Also temps fluctuated but werent to bad 22.0-23.5 and it was a horse dollie, biggest I've ever seen hanging around a fad. :1yikes:

Edited by allen glover
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