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Mixed Bag On Sat In The Harbour

King slayer

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Hey Raiders,

Set out on Saturday with all intentions but not too much hope of a jewie, kings and to try out some new plastics.

we were the only ones we ran into who could find live bait that day, we managed a small cuttle and 8 or so yakkas in the morning around north harbour/dobroyd. I also got two good size leather jackets on the bait jig which put up a good account for themselves with really light gear.

Not much luck at first light with the yakkas in north harbour or Quarrantine (except for a parrot fish) so headed off for breaky and headed out to the markers for a quick try with livies and small baits. The Cowan youngs were all over, so after loading up a few for jewie baits next week I tried something new for fun and put on a soft plastic..they loved it even more than the baits so that was fun.

back to some more north harbour spots. This time we were aiming at flatties. Kept a livie out always but mainly threw around plastics, first at anchor then on the drift. picked up a little flattie at anchor and a few touches and bite offs on the drift. The cowans were there too and jumped on from time to time.

Tried closer to the flats for a while with not much interest but as we were going to leave I picked up the livie (12 cm yakka on 24kg out fit....Overkill much?) and on the end was a nice little flattie of around 43cms.

That was it really, we caught and released dozens of Cowan which was fun for a while, no slimies this time though unfortunately. There was of course the usual ooglies at quarantine and minuature snapper and sweep plaguing the bait jigs. All up the water had some reasonable activity going on and warming up too, over 15 Deg that day which is promising. we had a chat with Hookem and Cookem guide who was having less luck than us so that was a good feeling.

My mate and i both agreed that even though no trophies were taken, we haven't had that much fun for a while on the water (mainly due to the glorious T-shirt weather and the novelty of catching fish on plastics). I will be giving plastics much more of my attention from now on. Come on Kingies!!

Jew session this weekend at night, so watch out for number three, four and five :1prop:


Happy fishing!


Edited by King slayer
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Hi dave,

Mate we were out on sunday and could only manage baitfish by the truckload.

Caught endless yakkas and a few slimies and herring - all in MH.

No decent kingies or jews but a pinkie i was bringing up got smashed half way up by a kingie.

A few kings sighted being cleaned at the ramp on the way home. Those boys didnt want to tells us bugger all about location - hey you gotta ask - just be prepared for a sorry mate cant do that. :1prop:

Anyways i thought you might be interested in a jewie report.

Mate texted me with his result of 11.5 kg jewie from north coast a few days ago. He got it on slack tide on a mullet fillet.

The Daily Telegrath today states that 12kg being taken on mullet as well ATM at North Narra.

If i was gonna go for a jew it would be North Narrabeen or similar over the next few nights.

I am tempted but got too much going on ATM.


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Hi Guys,

Simda: Ooglies are just mixed funny looking oddities from the deep, like rock cod etc, Cowans are Cowan Young, otherwise called Massive yellowtail, but they're not yellowtail.

Hottyscotty: I remember being told that wrasse were ok eating and have seen people do it, but my mate caught that one so I'll have to ask him??

Gaffer: It's Sashimi...and I don't mind a bit from time to time. Squid right out of the water is interesting!!!

Zenman: I wish the bait were so easy for us on Saturday and we didn't even spot a kingy. They'll be around though soon enough in numbers.

Interesting you should mention the jewies. we never made it to the beach last week as planned and it seems nor did you, but in the next few weeks we might see some action in the suds between us.

I'll be taking on Middle harbour Friday night for a late night Jew session.

See post on Sunday/monday entitled: Massive Jew caught, too big for boat :biggrin2:


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Hi Dave

Thanks for the reply, was a bit lost but at least i know what to call my regular catch. My wife’s name is Simone and mine David, like I said Cool name Dave lol

I always loved fishing but never had anyone to teach us so we really appreciate the posts on this site

Went on a Sydney harbour fishing charter in March and got caught hook line and sinker on kings, been chasing them ever since with only a single successful landing

I was having no problems at all of getting Yakka till the last 4 weeks, is it the time of year?

Not had much luck getting Squid but caught 5 3 weeks ago but still no kings at any of the spots I went to during the charter,

Thanks again to everyone on this site for the reports

Fishing is not a sport its addiction. :wacko:

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Hi Dave

Thanks for the reply, was a bit lost but at least i know what to call my regular catch. My wife’s name is Simone and mine David, like I said Cool name Dave lol

I always loved fishing but never had anyone to teach us so we really appreciate the posts on this site

Went on a Sydney harbour fishing charter in March and got caught hook line and sinker on kings, been chasing them ever since with only a single successful landing

I was having no problems at all of getting Yakka till the last 4 weeks, is it the time of year?

Not had much luck getting Squid but caught 5 3 weeks ago but still no kings at any of the spots I went to during the charter,

Thanks again to everyone on this site for the reports

Fishing is not a sport its addiction. :wacko:

Hi David,

You might be just targeting the kings in a slightly different way with different rigs, leader lengths, line strength/thickness and on and on... It often only takes a small difference in technique to change your fortune around.

I suggest getting your hands on all the dvd's, articles, posts, books etc that are directly related to the type of fish you are seeking and the area you like to fish. Choose one species and one area. e.g. King fish in Middle harbour and get good at it, study the dvd's etc and soon enough you'll be having more and more luck.

I only know this to be true as I am studying every day and every session I improve in some way. Since I took this approach I usually get a feed and often have done quite well.

Good luck

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