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Gone Fishing Today?


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What a fantastic day for a early morning :1fishing1:

Has any one gone out this morning and how was it? :yahoo:

Or are you like me and have family comitments that always interfear with fishing comitments.


Good luck to any one that is out there and are planing on going out :thumbup: catch a big one :thumbup:

I think Ill wet the hull tomorrow. :yahoo: and hope the weather doesnt spil it for me :1badmood: .

The calm before the storm .

Mean while Ill have a :beersmile: or 50 to compensate.

Happy fishing


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well i was going to head out .... got up nice and early but only to found out i had "other" things to do :05:

anyways sort of a good thing cause i can get some fresh bait and made some berluy :icon_peace:

soo i will head to bed ealry tonight.... and set the alarm clock for around 4.30 - 5.00ish and get some good sleep before heading out fishing outta bate bay, and around port hacking ... hopefully for a few whiting, flatties, snapper, and the like .... i cant wait :fisher::harhar::clapping:

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After a long fishing-less period - I have opened the 2009 season in Botany today. Caught nothing serious - some trevs, a flathead and an octopus. But the boat worked perfectly and those inflatable PFD's I bought for the whole family are so better than the old bulky ones.

Will hit big waters next weekend if the weather is OK.

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