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Different Coloured Lines


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Gday raiders , I am a big fan of fireline , i like fishing light and im very happy with the product , i normally use the colour clear , never had a prob. My question is.......Does the various colours berkley sell (for instance , flame green...smoke....) have huge effect on hookup rate???????

I fish the bay mostly and the hacking , if i buy these colours ,should i expect any difference in results,given ofcoarse i always use flurocarbon leaders aswell , cheers and THANKYOU for any reply's


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G'Day Cam

The color of the braid should have minimal effect (if any), especially considering the fact that you use a leader. In very clear water, I will use a longer leader. I also use Crystal Fireline. My mate uses green FINS or smoke Fireline. I have seen no noticeable difference in the catch rate between the three colors. I should clarify that I am talking about soft plastics and surface lure fishing for bream, flathead and whiting.



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The clearer the water the longer and lighter the leader

Over the Port Hacking flats where the water is very clear I use a two rod length 4lb leader for an example except when using poppers then about two foot of 10lb leader I mostly use 2lb crystal over the flats but when fishing areas where bite detection is needed I use 4lb pink fireline

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Fishing with plastics easy to see coloured line makes a huge difference in hook up rates. You need to be able to SEE the line on the drop to detect bites. I moved from smoke coloured lines and employed a long leader to bright colours or whites for better line vision and I think it helps heaps.

My fav is the Diawa sensor in 4lb for bream and now I use 20lb for snappers.


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I'll be moving to a brighter coloured line shortly - probably pink or yellow.

I find I'm losing visibility on the finer smoke coloured lines whenever there's any wind chop on the water, and I'm consequently missing some of the more subtle hits. It's also harder to work the lure at it's most effective level, becasue I can only tell when I have slack or not by feel, not sight.

I think the others are right: The leader is for the fish, the mainline is for the fisherman. I don;t need to see the leader, and if it's long enough, they wont see my Wham fluoro mainline :1prop:

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Be it braid or flylines there is no discernible difference a colour will make i have fishedsome clear rivers here on the North island in back country settings using a the AirFlo 4oplus in fluro green for spooky browns i also use a fawn coloured WF6 line my only problem is if either line splashes or casts a shadow that spooks the fish otherwise i have a 12 foot plus 4lb - 6lb tippet to avoid spooking fish i do the same when spinning for trout braid and then 8 feet of fluro gets the job done nicely, same principle should apply to bream etc!

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