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What Are All The Fishraiders Getting Up To This Weekend?


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What are all the fishraiders getting up to this weekend?

the 27th,28th Sept 2008

For me not sure yet what i will do might

finishing doing all the checks of boat and gear for the times i can get out

Sunday will be at the social :thumbup:

Also the yearly Back To The Bay Social is on this weekend

What ever you end up doing, BE SAFE.

And take care on the Roads and waterway

And good luck to the members going to the social

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I'm hoping to get to the Social. Have a bit of a big night tonight, though.

If I get there, I'll be fishing land-based along the beach and the groynes, Picked up some new soft plastics, so I'll give them a go and test my new shoulder out (now the pin's out). If you see an old white kombi, I won't be too far away.


Edited by Berleyguts
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