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Hawkesbury And Cowan Creek

flatty hunter626

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went for a fish on thursday morn and after not setting my alarm properly and missing the 5-30am train i decided to get up anyway and get the next to wondabyne wharf.....frished from about 7am till midday for a few yakkas...2 or 3 leaheries that got thrown back and a few tailor. put the yakkas out on the jewie rods but nothing took a liking to them...

got home at 2 only to hav a phone call from a mate telling me he just passed his P's test ...so off down bobbin head it was....again not much tried for some blackies along the shore and around the new wharf for nothing ....had baits of pilchards prawn and chicken gut out and still only a few tailor and undersized bream. also managed a broken rod!!!:(

hoping for a bit more action at the social on sunday:P...... :1prop:

cheers flatty hunter

Edited by flatty hunter626
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