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Crab Time


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the crabs (blue swimmers) will be comeing on soon, in fact there already getten a few in lake macquarie out in the deeper water apparently, anyway i love me crabben and just wondering what everyones choice of bait is for the witches hats? mullet goes gr8 but gets a bit expencive when ya gota keep buyen it, a mate swears by chicken necks and there cheap as!! ive also got sum huge crabs on tins of cheap cat food with holes all punched thru it. anyway whats ya prefrence? whats worked? what aint worked? also do use reckon flathead heads and frames would work??

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Any frame works but the flattys are a little light on for meat.

I keep everything from the fish I catch and find the easiest ones to use are the bream frames. They aare easy to tie on and have enough substance to attract the crabs.


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Hi Diver1, Ox hearts, cost 2 10ths of bugger all and it has caught us plenty in the past, never used flattie frames myself but have used slabs of bonito and they like that as well. We can't use the hats down here unless you register them , so we just use hand lines..

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