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Jewfish 21 /9 / 08


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Hi Raiders,

Sorry for the late report but it looks as thou the jewfish season may fire up in the Georges river this year. Well i decided to take my boat for a run out of flower power ramp millpera , the plan was to run in my new 50 hp motor purchased at the boat show so finished work at 2pm sun was shineing but the wind was howling . Chucked two rods in the boat and picked up a mate , motored up the river towards como bridge at various speeds and said to my mate lets have a fish here . He then grabs one of the rods and asks what bait were using i said lures ( soft plastics ) . So i tied one on for him and myself and we begun casting . He then began to ask if you catch fish on these i said sometimes . Well low and behold 2nd cast and im on :thumbup: a few screaming runs and im calling it a big flathead , a few minutes pass and my 10lb leader is back on the spool and up comes a little jew . A quick photo then slip him in the esky :yahoo: .

My mate is now hooked on soft plastics after seeing me catch a jew . Well im glad i now have my first jew on soft plastics .. :thumbup:

Cheers Dogtooth :1fishing1: John..... :beersmile:


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Top effort Dogtooth :thumbup: Well done getting jewfish on soft plastics John! It's good to hear there's jew around up there. The schools might come in when the water warms up and that spot would be a good one to have a good go at.

I reckon that big punt of yours flies on the 50 hp John :1yikes:


Byron :1fishing1:

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The lure was a Squidgy wriggler in 140 mm size silver and black , 3/8 jig head looks a lot like a mullet . The Motor is almost run in and i dont think its the motor thats the good omen , its the boat that attracts the fish ....

Cheers Dogtooth.... :1fishing1: John :beersmile:

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