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Yakka And Squid In Nth Harbour


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Hi Raiders,

I'm looking to find a reliable (as much as possible) spot to get live yakkas and a spot to get live squid in north harbour and middle harbour.

Basically around Manly/ Quarantine sort of area and west of the spit bridge (not including the spit bridge).

Any help would be much appreciated as i'm super keen to crack my kingy virginity this summer. I understand this is sensitive info so a PM would be fine.

PS - I'm fishing out of a boat, not landbased.

Thanks for your help.

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Yes i would have to agree with Forliano.

I've never tried catching yakkas around wharfs, but yes i would advise trying for squid around them.

Just a nice and slow retrieve, on a squid jig.

I've only ever gone after them once, abit of badluck. Could always see them following it up, just could not get them hooked on. I then was fishing off a wharf.


Edited by Flatty.Fan686
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