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One Of My Best Experiences On The Water. Ever!


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We made the last minute decision this morning toget out for a bit of a fish as we thought we would get a break in the weather. As it turns out the weather stayed crap and the calamari did not come out to play. We had one in the esky (calamari) and we were about to call it quits when dad spotted a fin in the water about 50m away from us.

Now this is where it gets interesting!!!!! I dont remember the last time i went out in the boat and didnt bring one of my bigger outfits BUT this morning i knew my dad would just want to chase calamari so i brought only my 4-8kg bream rod which is loaded with 20 lb braid which i leave over the back while drifting for calamari. We fish with handlines for calamari.

ANYWAY....... we slowly motored over to the small fin in the water which turned out to be a small mako 0f about 1 to 1.2m and id say 25-30kg. To cut a long story short, i tied on a wire trace put a squid head on a 8/0 octopus gama ( i chose a smallish fine hook to be easier to set with such a small rod) We were hooked up instantly and for the next 30-40 min we were driving around everywhere chasing this shark around with is screaming long runs and AWESOME jumps and cartwheels across the water. He must have jumped 6 foot clear of the water on at least half a dozen occasions.

After about 40mins we had it boatside with the gaff and baseball bat ready about 5m from the boat and as easy as you like the hoof pulled out. To say i was devastated would be an understatement.. :(:05: . But it was some of the best fun i have EVER had with a rod and reel.

I have a couple of photos of the rod loaded up. Could someone send me their e mail so i could send them the photos so they could put them up for me as i am hopeless with computers. Thanks

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We made the last minute decision this morning toget out for a bit of a fish as we thought we would get a break in the weather. As it turns out the weather stayed crap and the calamari did not come out to play. We had one in the esky (calamari) and we were about to call it quits when dad spotted a fin in the water about 50m away from us.

Now this is where it gets interesting!!!!! I dont remember the last time i went out in the boat and didnt bring one of my bigger outfits BUT this morning i knew my dad would just want to chase calamari so i brought only my 4-8kg bream rod which is loaded with 20 lb braid which i leave over the back while drifting for calamari. We fish with handlines for calamari.

ANYWAY....... we slowly motored over to the small fin in the water which turned out to be a small mako 0f about 1 to 1.2m and id say 25-30kg. To cut a long story short, i tied on a wire trace put a squid head on a 8/0 octopus gama ( i chose a smallish fine hook to be easier to set with such a small rod) We were hooked up instantly and for the next 30-40 min we were driving around everywhere chasing this shark around with is screaming long runs and AWESOME jumps and cartwheels across the water. He must have jumped 6 foot clear of the water on at least half a dozen occasions.

After about 40mins we had it boatside with the gaff and baseball bat ready about 5m from the boat and as easy as you like the hoof pulled out. To say i was devastated would be an understatement.. :(:05: . But it was some of the best fun i have EVER had with a rod and reel.

I have a couple of photos of the rod loaded up. Could someone send me their e mail so i could send them the photos so they could put them up for me as i am hopeless with computers. Thanks

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Mate just got back and checked my emails - nothing as yet so maybe check the address - jimpotts7@gmail.com

We made the last minute decision this morning toget out for a bit of a fish as we thought we would get a break in the weather. As it turns out the weather stayed crap and the calamari did not come out to play. We had one in the esky (calamari) and we were about to call it quits when dad spotted a fin in the water about 50m away from us.

Now this is where it gets interesting!!!!! I dont remember the last time i went out in the boat and didnt bring one of my bigger outfits BUT this morning i knew my dad would just want to chase calamari so i brought only my 4-8kg bream rod which is loaded with 20 lb braid which i leave over the back while drifting for calamari. We fish with handlines for calamari.

ANYWAY....... we slowly motored over to the small fin in the water which turned out to be a small mako 0f about 1 to 1.2m and id say 25-30kg. To cut a long story short, i tied on a wire trace put a squid head on a 8/0 octopus gama ( i chose a smallish fine hook to be easier to set with such a small rod) We were hooked up instantly and for the next 30-40 min we were driving around everywhere chasing this shark around with is screaming long runs and AWESOME jumps and cartwheels across the water. He must have jumped 6 foot clear of the water on at least half a dozen occasions.

After about 40mins we had it boatside with the gaff and baseball bat ready about 5m from the boat and as easy as you like the hoof pulled out. To say i was devastated would be an understatement.. :(:05: . But it was some of the best fun i have EVER had with a rod and reel.

I have a couple of photos of the rod loaded up. Could someone send me their e mail so i could send them the photos so they could put them up for me as i am hopeless with computers. Thanks

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I was wondering if anyone knows whether they are a viable target at this time of year ( inshore i mean, within a couple of klm of the coast) as i was thinking of getting out on tuesday and setting a berley trail and fishing with more appropriate gear.

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I know that big tiger sharks can be targeted out of Sydney but i don't think mako's are as regular as the other sharks that visit.

You can definitely target small sharks in the harbour around easter with a good fleshy bait at Dobroyd head.


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I know that big tiger sharks can be targeted out of Sydney but i don't think mako's are as regular as the other sharks that visit.

You can definitely target small sharks in the harbour around easter with a good fleshy bait at Dobroyd head.


I have caught my fair share of sharks in the past but that Mako really got me fired up. For me fishing is all about setting and achieving goals and it is always so much more satisfying doing it in my own boat even though i regularly fish in friends boats that are much bigger and "better" than mine. I hope to land one from my boat before years end so any help would be greatly appretiated as i really only get to fish once a fortnight or so

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You dont have to go out wide to target decent size sharks. In the last 5 years, Ive had small makos knocking off my kingys at the wave marker at north head. Seen 2-3m hammerheads there regularly as well as two years back some naval scuba divrs were chased out of the water off middle head by a decent size tiger shark. And the summer of 2006 saw a aanother decent size tiger hanging at the clifton garden drum.


Edited by Dan and Greg
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