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Swr Snapper


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Hey everyone, just back from the Rocks and gotta say did it a bit tougher this time - not nearly as good as July.

For starters it was a shorter trip - only five days - not the sixteen we went in July when we got out 20 times with near perfect weather.

Arrived Wednesday hoping to go crazy but the wind blew itself inside out for 2 days from the nor east - and i mean 30 knots for 48 hours straight.

Saturday dawned and it was marginal with a bar that had lost all form due to a recent fresh. Where there use to be a channel there was now a 300m sandbar with no channel meaning judicious timing was required and many changes of direction to go round rising problems ahead. We must have half jumped 20 waves getting out that morning.

Anyway we got a half dozen snapper to 2kg and a heap of bonnies that were just everywhere before my mate lost the plot completely after a big night at the country club and we had to go with me driving home through a messy sea and across an angry bar - i let three sets go before picking a nice lull and driving on in.

Sat night at the club saw a southerly blow through - beautiful - at SWR that means nice and flat the next day.

Sure enough Sat was flat and down to my favourite spot that has produced quite a few decent ones of late - like the ugly one my mate got the sat before - they could get away earlier - of 7.538 with a massive fist of a knob and that big ugly top lip - will put up a camera phone photo when i get it off him.

Anyway - about third cast sat morning saw me getting nailed - to a few smoking runs - for a second i thought i lost him - then he started fighting differently and felt like a very heavy fish. He came up hooked in the wing and i reckon i had him in the mouth - hooks pulled and hooked him in the fin - that is one unlucky snapper and he came in a 5.09kg.


We got six again in total that morning - all over the kilo mark then got nothing at all on Monday.

So we did it a bit tougher but still got a few and any trip i get a five kilo snapper i cant complain.

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Hi Nightstalker,

too bad about the weather, we couldn't get out until Saturday.

How was the current after the blow,they certainly get agrow when their foul hooked,as you said one unlucky

snapper. Anyway he made the trip up worthwhile,all the others would feed u 4 a while.

Cheers Rick.

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Hi mate, glad to see you got a few, that bar crossing sounds scary, nice pic of you and your prize . Cheers..

Thanks for the comments guys, havent been on for a couple of days. We really had to keep our cool with the bar this time.. it needs a really big swell to carve it out... it is the messiest sloppiest bar i have seen there ever - it reminds me of the Urunga bar if anyone knows it - no channel just white water.

Oh well, thats it for the snapper this year but at least we got a few good ones this year. Bring on next winter.

What now though - its hard chasing bream and flatties after getting big snapper - might have to chase some harbour kings or get offshore for some summer fun off Sydney.

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