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Bali Gt's


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Hi Raiders,

It's been awhile since I last did a post as this is usually left to my partner in fishing RayR. However, thought you would be interested in this story. Just arrived back from a trip with the family to Bali on a surfing adventure with fishing on the backburner. However on the last day after we came in from Kuta reef for the last time I saw a Balanese Gent dragging a 15kg GT up the bank from his boat. Funny but I have been to Bali quite a few times over the last twenty years and never really gave fishing much thought, until NOW. Anyway, in true fisho form I started to chat to him and he was like any other fisho I have ever met, absolutely passionate about his fishing and we exchanged a few war stories.

He then showed me his tackle box and the array of lures he hand makes and spray paints, they were fantastic, from spinners to blade jigs for kingys. I then offered him a number of fishing Mags I took over to read and he was stoked and blown away by the picture of a big flatty on the cover of a recent addition. Later that night just before the plane flew out, he tracked me down and thanked me for the mags and gave me a few lures. Just wished I had a couple of more days!!!!

Since we have exhanged emails and here is a couple of photo's of Edi and some of his fish. Notice the home made popper. If anyone is going over the fishing season has just started so give me a call I will give you his details. He takes people out fishing for a very reasonable price.

Regards, Hutcho

Edited by Hutcho1
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Got to love the fact that Fishos are the same the world over. You should ask Edi to become a Raider... I'd love to see some more posts from that part of the world.

Great story... sorry you didn't get to stretch your arms in Bali but I'm pretty sure you still enjoyed yourself :biggrin2:

Cheers, Slinky

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Last time i was there we put in about 10 or so hours trolling skirts near lombok and sambawa and a little fishing with bait on the back of our surf charter for zilch but im sure if you know where to go.... And the focus of your trip is fishing instead of surfing!

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The fishing fraternity is simply amazing. Around the world, language is no barrier when it comes to fishing yarns and tackle talk :biggrin2:

That was a great read Hutcho. I bet the next trip to Bali will have a completely different motivation behind it! :074:



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Great to see, Edi is obviously an expatriate from somewhere - from memory, Balinese only have 4 names which will be repeated for the 5th child and so on.

A glimmer of hope is presenting itself in Indonesia, my last visit only seen gill nets in abundance. Definately no place to purchase tackle from.

Gotta be pleased with those specimens - you should of extended your stay lol! :tease:

In your brief encounter with Edi, did he mention the (his) purpose of his outings? Would it be for recreation, or subsistence.

Either way, some thumping looking trevs he's got there!

Pleased to see you had some good R & R.



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Great to see, Edi is obviously an expatriate from somewhere - from memory, Balinese only have 4 names which will be repeated for the 5th child and so on.

A glimmer of hope is presenting itself in Indonesia, my last visit only seen gill nets in abundance. Definately no place to purchase tackle from.

Gotta be pleased with those specimens - you should of extended your stay lol! :tease:

In your brief encounter with Edi, did he mention the (his) purpose of his outings? Would it be for recreation, or subsistence.

Either way, some thumping looking trevs he's got there!

Pleased to see you had some good R & R.



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