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Bate Bay Abd Surrounds


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With glowing reports coming out of the port Garry {Buster 4} thought that Bate bay could well be worth a try. I met Garry at his place at 6am and we were on the water short time later, first up was shark island for some live baits and in quick time we had a couple of slimies and a dozen or so yakkas plus a few large yakkas for slab baits. First stop was the Osborn shoal, stooging around we found a good showing of bait and anchored up, getting a couple of livies down and couple of floating baits as well. Over the next hour we only lost one bait and that was to a Sgt Baker. Next stop was Jibbon Bombora where there was heaps of bait fish working the surface and some big archers showing on the sounder shadowing them, we chucked some lures around for zip then tried trolling livies around for zip as well. Garry knew of a place that he had done well previously so we went there to give it a go. Anchoring in about 20 meters we got a couple livies down and the floaters out, with in minutes my rod folds over then springs back up winding the line in I found that the hook was gone, a badly tied hook giving myself a upper cut and being much more careful tying the next hook on. In the mean time Garry boats a 60cm king from then on it was nonstop action with every livie sent to the bottom resulted in a hit we got 6 more kings to 63cm keeping 3 and releasing 3. most of the yakkas were a little on the large size so the rats had a bit of difficulty getting the bait down which resulted in missed hook up and dropped fish the action didn’t stop till we ran out of livies. We tried store bought squid and strip baits but to no avail they wanted livies. We then went for a flatty drift and had no real luck so we pulled the pin and called it a day. While the size of the kings weren’t that great it was nice to have a hot kingie bite. :biggrin2::thumbup::thumbup:





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Hi Kikila,

Great report and nice fish. Last time out did same as you. S.I. for Yakka and then out the front of Jibbon. Only managed one rat on a livie so I'm glad to see it's fishing better. :thumbup:

I'll be out again soon so looking forward to action! :biggrin2:



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Good stuff there Chris. :thumbup:

I'm hopefully :wife: heading out of Hacking with "the boys" on Saturday morning to similar spots.

Here's hoping we can do the same but being a Saturday I think it could be a little bit busy. :ranting2:



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