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Boat Washing At Apple Tree Bay

Guest TelcoBroker

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Guest TelcoBroker

I recently received my licence renewal notice from NSW Maritime formerly Waterways and noticed a warm and fuzzy brochure detailing how boating feeswere being put to good use across the state. One of the items listed is a $5000 installation/improvement to Apple Tree Bay in the way of boat wasgh area pollution trap. Refer to the following link - Your Boating Fees at work brochure

When was the last time a boat was washed at ATB while the rangers watched on in smiling admiration as the devoted boat owner did what was best for his outboard while preserving his relationship with his suburban neighbours by not flushing his outboard at an odd hour.

Are there any designated boat washing areas at ATB?

Are there any taps at ATB?

As boat owners, are our fees being spent wisely or are we at risk of the NSW Maritime pissing in our pockets?

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