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Over The Weekend A Few Decent Breambos..


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GDay Raiders,

Took out the brother in law for his BDay for a quick afternoon session not expecting much as the tides were against us and I was completely unprepared for the trip as it was one of those spur of the moment things, However landed a couple of decent Breams.. Woo Hoo New PB 44cm!!! :1prop:

And an amazing sight that i experienced on the Saturday while in the Bay was :- i see this black thin like shape appear while crossing about half way through the Bay at first I thought it was a Dolphin but at 2nd glance it wasn't moving fast enough, then I thought it was a Big black garbage bag, but then seen it go under and then come back up, I stopped and slowly proceeded towards this unusual sight and to my pleasant surprise it was a whopping BIG seal just laying around on his back, soaking up the rays & playfully patting his belly also doing handstands more than likely getting a feed and hanging casually in the middle of the bay... he Allowed us to get close enough to get some vid footage on the phone and wasn’t to fussed by our presence... AMAZING sight and not something I have had the pleasure to experience before.

Here are some pics of the Breams...






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Hey BarCrusher, I think you will have to change your name to "BreamCrusher"!

44cm! Congratulations on the pb! That is a real thumper! Must have been a tremendous fight. (I can only imagine because my pb is considerably less)

A seal in the Bay! :thumbup: Like the whales I saw last week, I never get sick of sights like that. In the last few weeks I've seen a fairy penguin, two seals, four whales, and hundreds of dolphins. How lucky are we to be able to see these animals near a major city!

Great report.



Edited by peterS
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