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After Kings


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I'm new to this kingfishing. I have gone out and got all the right gear and rods and have the boat too. All i need now is someone to tell me where i should go looking for them in the harbour??

Also i hear a lot of you guys talking about "Yakkas" i guess thats yellowtail? i hear it's good bait for kingys. Any tips on where i should go to catch these Yakkas?? or squids for that matter. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.


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Firstly welcome to fishraider!!!!

there is a world of information here for your reading enjoyment, Spend the time, read through it. do searches and mostly have fun.


Thank you!

Have done a fair bit of reading over the last few weeks. Great source of info here. Looking forward to posting some great catches.

Hey mate

You will pickup yakkas virtually anywhere,,,,, north harbour, off middle head, off the heads, and at balmoral. If you dont raise them within 15mins of berleying they are not there.


Thanks for the advice Dan much appreciated.

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Mate welcome to the site. :1welcomeani: Im no expert on kingfish but I have learnt that fresh is best when it comes to bait. If you master catching squid and livies in the harbour you will soon be reeling in those big hoodlums. Try squidding over kelp beds and berlying for the yakkas.


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