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Around Tea Gardens


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Hiya Raiders, as some may remember I was at Tea Gardens last week with wife and kids and inlaws. Sorry this report is late, but stuff happened so here it is.

For those who don't know the quaintly named Tea Gardens, rests at the mouth of the Myall River, aside the little town of Hawksnest, 2.5 hours north from Sydney.

Took the boat out on Thursday fished numerous likely looking spots for Flatties south east of Tea Gardens resulting in a few bites and boating nothing much, much, much weed. :mad3: Progressed down the channel more of the same.

Anchored off Jimmy's Beach, fished a channel marker and boated a personal best flattie 67cm. :biggrin2: Friday took wife, kids, and inlaws northwest of tea gardens, up Myall River. Kids noisy and unhappy :mad3: fish scared off, return to jetty, drop wife, kids and mother in law.

Go with father in law to spot of Jimmy's with the tide racing so hard that it pulled us 100 yards off our anchor point by a channel marker in about 5 minutes.

Hook up good fighting fish we think, only to find damn sting rays :thumbdown::thumbdown:

All in all though good fun, beautiful scenery, great exploring.



Its not about catching fish, but it helps


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