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Wisemans Ferry


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Hi all,

This is my fiist post. I have been reading for months and love the feedback. Anyway, went to an old faithful spot at Wisemans Ferry Yesterday. Put the tinny in at 1.30pm and fished till 7pm. Caught the change of the tide (from hight to lthe run out) Took a bag of Hawkesbury Prawns for bait. Within five minutes of sinking the first prawn, had my first jewie on board. Tiny, but fun non the less. Released unharmed. This continued till about 5.00pm. I reckon I must have had about 30 small soapies on the boat before the change of tide. All put back to grow alot bigger.

I was running fast out of prawns. Finally at the change of tide, all my rods went off at once. Talk about mayham, all rods bent over and I decided to pick up the trusty Shimano raider (which was bent over the most). 60 cm Jewie on the end which I got in the boat. Released about 30 but this one was going on the the dinner plate.

After the change of tide. Managed a further four flatties. I kept two for dinner. Eventually, 7.30pm and I was out of prawns. Great session. Lots of fun. Keep up the great reports. Thoroughly enjoy the read.

Sorry, no picks. I'll wait till I get one worth taking a photo of.



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Hey Brado,

Excellent session on the jewies you must be stoked.

Was the 60cm fella the biggest?

Cant wait for the bigguns to go off.


Hi Zenman,

Yes the 60 cm was the biggest. I caught him about 2 hrs before pulling up stumps. Prior to leaving I literally could not get a prawn on the hook quick enough before it was hit, so I would have been interested to see if he would have been topped. Great fun.


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hey brado,

my son was down there last night in my boat, I spoke to him this morning over the phone and he said that

he caught 1 flattie 45cm and quite a few small jew.

good to see you did better than that.

there seems to be heaps of jew in the river at the moment but the keepers are few and far between.

well done.


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hey brado,

my son was down there last night in my boat, I spoke to him this morning over the phone and he said that

he caught 1 flattie 45cm and quite a few small jew.

good to see you did better than that.

there seems to be heaps of jew in the river at the moment but the keepers are few and far between.

well done.


Hey Pete,

Yeah mate, lots of little ones, and you have to put the hours in for anything of a respectable size. I have to say though, I have never had that many hitting the prawns before (even though some were tiny)



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