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Sunday Morning B Bay Kingies


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Hit Botany Bay on Sunday morning with fellow fishraider Jewfish King in search of some kingfish that we had heard were biting. Boat was in the water at 6.30am and we headed out looking for some squid and yakka's. After spending a good hour and a half looking for bait at several locations we decided to scratch the idea and use the few squid we had bought from the bait shop.

We hit our first kingie spot just after 8.30am and began the trawling up and down, took a good 45 mins to get our first hit, after a short fight we had a first kingfish for the year, a 55cm model, a few high fives and back he went. From there we continued to trawl for another half hour with only 1 other kingie boated, another undersized rat. We then decided to hit another spot which had been good to us last year.... this is when all hell broke loose..

our first cruise produced an nice 70cm model, our second and third passes by procuded double hookups, considering there was only 2 of us on the boat things got abit hectic but was managed to boat all the fish. It was like nothing else we have experienced, everytime was passed a small section of water both rods would start to bend, and everytime the fish were near the boat we could see other kingfish following the one that was hooked...an absolutely awsome day. We ended up with 8 fish, which was plenty for us and our families. We still had some squid left over which we handed to a guy fishing with his young some and an elderly gentleman (probably his father), they hadnt caught a fish all morning so we told them what was working for us made our way home....a brilliant day, we cant wait for next weekend!!!

heres a pic of JFK just after we had scaled and gutted a few of our haul.

Edited by Hodgey
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Dear Raiders,

on behalf of Ali and i, i would like to say how awsome the day was... We are planning another kingfish session this comming weekend,, And a Jewfish session sometime in the afteroon this week..

If any one wants to come alone,, more than welcome... (must have there own boat)

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