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Self Nomination For Fish Of The Month


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Know it's a bit presumptuous/arrogant; but would just like to nominate myself for the november fish of the month; or if entries are final for that, then perhaps the fish of 2008 for this whopper.

toiled hard on soft plastics (gulp green pumpkin minnows) drifting palm beach (pittwater) for about 4 hours for this thumper snapper and thought it was a definite shoe-in for a win

obviously caught and released..

but seriously....my mate and i have been trying pittwater out, palm beach and careel bay drifting with light line, light jigs (1/6 and 1/4 and even 1/8 all tried) without much luck at all - ive pulled up one flathead about a month ago while my mate has pulled up about 4, but basically were both young and fiarly new to boat fishing still and would love to find a place either in pittwater or the hawkesbury that produces rather than constantly coming back disappointed - dont get me wrong, still have an awesome time, but it would be nice to come back with a good haul now and then; even if only once, it'd be a great feeling.

dont know what we're doing wrong; kept a constant trail of burley going, tried baits and lots of different types of soft plastics, jigging them like they show on the videos on youtube, use the lightest gear possible, and basically just never seem to get the fish to join the party.......left the crab traps out yesterday too without even any luck in there, which i was quite surprised at for pittwater

basically targeting bread and butter fish - flathead/bream/whiting/snapper etc, as well as squid with the yozuri jigs..........i dont want to steal anyones secret spot or anything like that, but if anyone would be so kind as to please pm me or let me know where some reliable spots are (mainly sydney but also would be interested in places within a couple of hours' driving ie south coast - central coast); id be most appreciative and you'd really help create some awesome memories and stories that will be told and cherished quite literally for a lifetime...am taking a kid out fishing and want to have a better spot thats more likely to see him have some action than the places i seem to pick.......plus would like a few places to know for my own knowledge to get a nice feed every now and then

figured we all love the sport here and know what a rush it is to catch your first fish and 'get hooked' on fishing, so if anyone could please help me out and help me become a better fisherman/help me get a kid interested in the sport and could please let me know where some good spots are, pittwater i guess would be easiest but by no means limited to there, i really would appreciate it and thankyou very much to anyone that can in advance

hope you all had a good weekend and have a great summer of fishing coming up



Edited by mattycoss
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hey matt,

send me a pm. maybe we can meet out there sometime this summer. i'm heading out in the morning to try my luck on some kings. there are a couple of spots i can divulge which are basically common knowledge and produce a variety of species.

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Matt the trouble with burley in the hawkesbury system, and I am assuming pittwater would be similar, is that the tide can fairly belt in and out at times and if burley is being used at these times it is basically a waste of time. 1 hour either side of the turn of the tide is about all the time you get, unless you are in some backwater somewhere where there is little current.

Try drifting from the beginning of the rocks on the ocean side of patonga towards lion island aprox 50meters from the shore, this area normally produces good flathead, and tailor also at certain times.

tight lines.


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