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I'll start by saying i thought it was funny calling my self the Carpinator a while back. But i don't want to be known as a "CARP MAN".

We were going to a birthday party at Thurgoona just down the way from lake hume so me the mad keen fisho say lets stay at the tourist park on the lake and chuck on a extra couple of days "WICKED".

Well the initial anticipation went right out the window when our 4x4 did the gear box 1hr in to the trip with our 18 mth and 7 week old on board (was under waranty from a reasent rebuild) but the tow cost $400 from Pheasants nest. So we had another 4x4 we could borrow but it was at Kurnell, broke down at 3pm got going again at 10.15pm. Got to the park unloaded and got all to bed just before 5am, the kids woke up at 7.30am :1prop: . So after a couple of very strong coffees and a couple of very gentle prods to my wife who had to drive all the way as it was her folks car, i was out there. I thrashed that lake to foam without as much as a couple of very half ass hits, off the water by 12 to get ready for the 2pm party, but it had been the best fishless ever.


The party was way cool with the kiwi's winning the world cup of league and a chick fight that resulted in a broken leg an ambulance (so glad it want my party And they were 40ish fighting over a fella). Next morning i had to be up n into it cus post party breaky at 10.30, once again i gave that lake a thrashing only to be taunted by massive trout jumping and breaching out of cast range. I did how ever manage a lil rainbow on a stump jumper (rainbow colors).


Got droped back to our cabin for a quick sesh before post party dinner (bugger me!), it was blowin a gale with a good 2ft swell on the lake. Oh well so how do i make the most out of this, well the lake edged is being pounded leaving a coffee band bout 4m wide, i bet the ferrals will be lookin for a feed. Were they ever!!!!! 7 carp n 6 redfin in 2hrs.



So monday was gunna be my big crack at what i had been looking forward to, geared up with plenty of worms for sesh #2 and the whole day for fishin seen me thrash the lake 6am til 8 for sesh#1. Back to cook bacon n eggs for all my beloved, out for sesh #2, big clumps of worm cast out a bit further ummm nota one real fish, but i got four more carp



Back to the cabin n grabed a few beers, well if ya gunna catch your 10000th n somthing carp may as well break the monotony. Gota say but these super fit pests go REAL HARD! So 10 in 3hrs was heaps of fun including double hookups on 3kg a few redies and my first mirror scales. All up 21 no longer with us (oh i cant find a word for them) sea gulls loved the redies and "GROW STRONG LIL RAINBOW".

I don't want to be known as "THE" "CARP GUY" but it ain't lookin good.

How many carp photos you wana see.

Lata Raida's.



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