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Sydney Rats 2/12/08


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Put in at rose bay solo this morning at 600. Caught just enough squid to get a heap of kings, Landed 8 fish, droped a few more and amoungst them only 1 keeper at 73 cm.

This fish took a live squid about half his size. I was hoping for a big big king on this bait, Oh well. Next time. I did end up getting one fish to the boat on my Breambuster rod and 6lb briad. Very fun but the king was only 50cm.

Quick pic of the keeper.


2nd time out in the boat since i had it back from service from Huey, And i must say that he has got my little etec puring. Got my downrigging speed at idol down to about 2.8k/h .. sooo much slower than before. And with the permatrim on there now the boat is feeling great! If only i didnt want to fish out wide so badly i would so consider keeping this boat. Decisions decisions...

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sounds like you had an ok trip mate as you got a feed and had fun on the spin gear...

did murphy's law kick in and any big ones smoke you on the light stuff...

im hoping to do some 6lb kingy dancing this year once ive got a feed that is....


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Cheers guys,

It was a pity to loose a solid squid to an average king. At least i got to eat him though..

Steve, Nah only put it out once and only put a lolly pop squid strip on and it was mauled in about 30 seconds by the little baby king.. was a laugh though!!!!!!

Bream rod on a downrigger, 2 funny!!!

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Nice work mate - sounds like a fun session.

I worked hard to get 2 squid on sunday and lost them both in 2 passes to 2 rats :1badmood: Good fun but no keepers amongst them!

Can i ask roughly where you got your action? I'm hoping to head out on Friday.



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G,day Vince

mate i seen you yesterday cruise past , (same boat in swap and sell section) was going to say g,day but you were to quick (must be that etec lol)

we downrigged every popular marker in the harbour from goat to old mans hat with live squid for zilch.

weird , just couldn"t find em.

Last Fri landed at least 10 rats 2 keepers.

Any1 looking for a top harbour boat should take a look at this 1 its a top buy.... :biggrin2:

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hehehe i dont mind getting around quick thats for sure. Cant have that much fun on the roads anymore...

Mate if i had 30 squid i would have had 30 kings, they were thick as theivs.

I towed a yakka around for some stupid reason, i cant catch kings with yakkas...... :mad3::mad3::mad3:

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