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Due to exams and bad weather over the past few weeks it has been difficult to get out for a decent fish. However, the past three days was an open window of good weather and free time.

Over the past few weeks i have seen reports of kings around the place and have put in a half effort to no avail. It was quite irritating but each trip i have managed a few decent fish. Whether it be tailor, bream or flathead. So with all this talk about kingfish it was certainly time to have a decent crack.

Monday i went out and managed three calamari. It was slow and took quite some time. I then went to the heads and bumped into a school of salmon. They kept me occupied, landed 4 and also got a large tailor. The salmon were a very large size, the biggest i would say was a comfotable 3kg and about 65cm. They were chasing slimy mackeral (a pretty decent size) and were taking decent sized lures. I then fished dobroyd head and north head for about an hr and half for nothing but pickers. I the spotted fishabout tours at a marker on the way home and dropped in a bait. Straight away i was on to a good fish. I was most of the way through the fight with a good look at the fish when the leader popped. It pays to maintain line and not let it get saltwater when not in use. Bugger.... He was a good size, around 70+cm. The kings were on but i had to leave for work :thumbdown:

Tuesday i went briefly with a mate. We we fished at clifton gardens as reports from the previous day were good. We persisted for three hrs for nothing. Another boat got a hit and dropped his fish. It was a bit of a dud day but we managed some decent trevally, bream and flathead. I only kept the flathead, as my girlfriend really enjoys eating them.. I am not a huge fan of bream and trevally for the table. Fortunately my girlfriend also had some good conditioned 30lb leader which i packed along for today after monday's dissapointment.

I bumped into whacko who said he had managed a few fish on tuesday. So i suppose we were just in the wrong spot.

Today i headed out with my uncle at first. We went out to north head and noticed a fair bit of boat activity. There were kings about, and with pilchards i managed 2 on 30lb. My uncle got one and dropped one. I then started fishing with 8lb braid and 12lb leader as the school became line shy with all the baits thrown at them. I hooked three and managed to land only 1. I have had success on kings on the light gear but i was no chance against the ragged bottom of North Head. All those fish were little fellas between 50-60cm. But boy do they fight for their size. They were gently released to grow to over the 1m mark :1prop:


My uncle then got sick (god knows how, it was so calm :wacko: ) . With conditions looking good i dropped him off and went back out. Picked up some calamari and went back to north head. I could see the kings under the boat but they did not want a bar of anything. They must have gotten over their frenzy from the morning. So i stopped in at some markers on the way back in and managed a nice fish at 73cm :yahoo:

I then quickly managed another fish of around 60cm, back into the drink for him. There were heaps of followers but after landing the second fish, the school either lost interest in my fresh squid or dissapeared :wacko: very bizarre.... But with 5 kingfish for the day and a nice keeper i was pleased. Fantastic weather and it felt great doing battle with these majestic creatures we are so privilaged to have only minutes from home!



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