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Silstar Crystal Blue Power Tips 10kg


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Hi Craig,

We've got a few crystal blues and think they are very good rods. We have a 2-4kg, 6-8kg and a 15kg jig stick. All are great rods that are extremely durable with a solid bend in the rod and i think are great value for money.

I don't like the 2-4kg for lure fishing as it is quite floppy and slow tapered so casting can be innacurate and when you're ripping a lure back in the rod is flying all over the place, fighting a fish though it is great and bait fishing its great.

The 6-8kg which is virtually the same as the 10kg you're talking about is my favourite out of the 3, excellent rod for kingies, so far have a 100% record on it with about a dozen or so caught.

The 15kg i've only used a couple of times and is an overhead but is a solid rod and as i said like the others is great value for money imo.



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