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Botany Kings 05/12/08


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With the final few days of holidays approaching i decided to try my luck for a feed of fish in the bay. Was on the water at 6:30am whilst most people were on their way to work. Plan for the day was anchor up berley hard sit back and relax.

After 2 hrs of the little bait thiefs stealing my bait around numerous areas i decided to try my luck for some kings. Gathered some yakkas and threw them in the bucket, rigged up 2 rods dropped the D/R down and started the slow troll around the markers.

Whilst navigating around a marker and trying to avoid a side impact from the wash of a container ship 1 of the rods buckles over. NOTE this is the first time i have hooked up solo when using D/R. Mayhem breaks loose, WTF do i do first? i grab the rod, set the hooks and start to fight the beast, then i remember the riggers are still down. Furiously i wind the D/Rs up and continue to fight the fish for about 5 mins then the line goes limp. Rig up again and a short time later bang im on, after the first efforts i quickly got the D/R up and fought hard to try and land this 1. Ended up the same as the first.

This was the way of the day on 20lb mono till my second last hookup where i landed my first king of 58cm. Had plenty to the boat but to have 1 on the boat well i was stoked. Rigged up again only to be busted off once more. At this point the control box started making a noise i never want to hear again, the shrill of something wrong. Checked oil was ok let sit for 5 mins then restarted all ok, i took this as a sign and called it a day.

Great day on the water and my first landed king. Final score mustve resembled a bunnies loss in previous yrs something like kings 20+ me 1

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Congratulations on your first king :thumbup:

Although, it sounds like hard work downrigging by yourself.

I'm sure your catch rate is going to improve from now on.

I scored two rat kings on Wednesday on light gear and loved it.

Great report dangles



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