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Mh Jew


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Just a quick post as i am buggered, not long got back from an over night Jew hunt around Middle Harbour was a fairly nice night to be out and even better weather for the morning ........

Thought we would try a new spot and what do you know ?

My brother nailed this 84cm Jew on my bream outfit

it took off like a steam train, not a bad way to be introduced to the elusive jew

Congratulations Chris

Will post pic up a soon as i get it !


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Nice work, were you bait gathering under the spit Bridge Friday night? In close to the moored yachts?

Nice fish.

Yeah that was us ! Didn't gather much bait in the form of squid tho ........

Well done Fishletic getting your brother onto a nice Middle Harbout jewfish :thumbup:

If your brother's not a member already which I suspect he is, he'll have to join up and get you onto a few.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Yeah Jewgaffer im still working on getting him an email address so he can join ! Would of been good to get myself onto a nice one, i think if we had live squid it would of payed off as they were definatly there......

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Congrats on a beaut Jew! :thumbup:

I think we might have seen you guys cleaning your catch on Saturday morning when we had to prematurely return around 8:45am to Tunks Park? I stayed on the boat while Skip walked past you to get the car.

As we drove off he said “ya shoulda seen the jewie those guys caught”!! :1yikes:



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Thanks guys , the funny thing was we weren't even there targeting jews............

Going for bream and flatties when all of a sudden WHACK .................ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ :1yikes: zzzzzzzzz

Always been a bit skeptical about trying new spots but this has definatly changed my way of thinking of new spots.

Have to hit the same spot with the live squid ,fingers crossed they are there again ! :thumbup:

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Yeah that was us ..nice boat your friend has there .........

How did you guys go anyway ?

I was just there with my GF catching Yakkas for the next days trip where we wanted some fresh baits for bottom bashing, the next day got some reefies and some Salmon on the way home, i got dropped off at Clifton when we left the spit and went home to sleep as i had to wake up early, my mate just anchored and spent the night spuddling his GF i think hehe :1prop:

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I was just there with my GF catching Yakkas for the next days trip where we wanted some fresh baits for bottom bashing, the next day got some reefies and some Salmon on the way home, i got dropped off at Clifton when we left the spit and went home to sleep as i had to wake up early, my mate just anchored and spent the night spuddling his GF i think hehe :1prop:

:Funny-Post: Hehehehe..........fair enough , you sure did get some bait nice sized ones too !

Be out there again this Friday evening , weather permitting :biggrin2:

:fisher: Might see you out there !

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