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Botany 7dec


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Hi All. After being away down south last week Rod Hogger (8yr old son) and I felt like a good go at some Kingies. Had the boat packed last night and when there was little wind this morning decided to hit it. Got to Yarra a little later than usual at just before 7am but had a tank full of livies in 15 minutes!!! :1prop:

Hit Bare Island first and slow trolled a livie and a squid head. 2nd pass the squid head went off only to have a swivel snap in two pieces about a minute into the fight - that one has never happened before!! :ranting2:

An hour later and still nothing had touched the livie but had lost another 3 squid heads. Then a bunch of divers arrived and took over the whole site so headed over to the oil wharf. Several boats were anchored along the entire stretch so once again slowed trolled the yakka and some scrap squid pieces.

Everything was very quiet until we hit one particular spot along the wharf when both rods went off. One was dropped quickly but one held and a short time later RH had a nice rat king on the surface. He brought about 20 of his mates with him so I threw out a sluggo as well and just let it drift whilst getting RH's fish in the boat. Of course the other rod went off as well and RH does his usual and leaps for this one as well.

We must have hooked speed racer on this one as we watched about 80mtrs of 20lb braid disappear in a flash. Luckily we had motored out away from the wharf with the first fish as this one headed straight back. We finally turned him and got him within 10 mtrs of the boat when off he goes again. Once again RH does the pump & wind with a few boats looking on by now, however the third time to the boat Mr Kingie does a lunge for the front of the boat and cuts us off. :ranting2::ranting2::ranting2: Definitely a better size.

Well for the next 30 minutes every pass gives us a single or double hook up on rats and we boat around half a dozen and lose that many as well. Finally an oil ship moves in and we say good bye with RH complaining of a sore wrist the whole way home. Wish I had that problem ...

Attached is one of the rats RH pulled in


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Great Report Mate.

Those kings are everywhere along the oil wharf and hot water outlet at the moment. I had two massive bust offs on the weekend which I beleive was a rat king trying to take half a pillie.

Good work and getting the young gun into fishing early is great.



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