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Browns Mtn....no Real Luck


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Went out through Botany to Browns Yesterday on a mates boat. Great conditions. Small swell, slight breeze and sunshine. Couldn't ask for a better day. Now all was needed was the fish.

Left Botany Bay at 4.30am. Dropped the skirts out the back about 10 km from Browns just in case something was hungry. Arrived at Browns at 6.30am. Trolled around for a few hours. First two hours, nothing but finally three of the five rods went off.........Stripies :mad3:

Got them off and continued. A little while later, more stripies......and more stripies.....and a few more stripies. Stopped trolling and started to cube in about 19.3 degrees. Two hours later and nothing. No other boats appeared to be getting anything either.

Eventually decided to head back in closer and stop at both FADS on the way in. Through the skirts out about 10km from the FAD out wide of Botany. Water temperature increased the closer we got into shore. 21.5 degrees. As we approached the FAD, one of the rods screamed. Picked the rod up, reeled for a short time but dropped the fish.

Nothing at the wide FAD so headed into the FAD in close. 22 degrees and heaps of Kings holding under the FAD. Ranging from Rats to a few better fish. Only had pillies on board which they were not interested in. Threw some squid out. Not interested in that either. I had no jigs so I threw a popper out. They had a go at it but no hook up. Lost interest in that pretty quick. Very frustrating seeing the fish a metre under the water and they wont take anything you offer them...but that's fishing. Another boat was catching a few on jigs.

Eventually headed back to Botany after the wind blew up. Fantastic day but given the warm water, I thought we might have caught a few. Maybe its a bit early? Oh well. Better then a day at work.

Happy hunting,


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Hey bad luck on the fishing saturday but at least you got out...i was actually about to post a thread asking if fads were still off botany cos we looked last time and couldnt find them.... we must have been too far north but i cant even find any waypoints on internet lists referring to these fads so wondering if you had waypoints and were willing to post them or pm them...may see you out there soon....im in an old 21 foot cruisecraft half cab that goes good but needs a paint job!....cheers...Payatz

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Hey bad luck on the fishing saturday but at least you got out...i was actually about to post a thread asking if fads were still off botany cos we looked last time and couldnt find them.... we must have been too far north but i cant even find any waypoints on internet lists referring to these fads so wondering if you had waypoints and were willing to post them or pm them...may see you out there soon....im in an old 21 foot cruisecraft half cab that goes good but needs a paint job!....cheers...Payatz


Have a look at the DPI website for locations. http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recrea...ishing/fads/map

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