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Freakish Squidding Session


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G'day raiders,

been reconning a number of landbased locations the last 6 months (targetting everything from kings, luderick, pigs and squid with bait and lure) from Bottle and Glass rocks all the way round to Kurnell. Had a couple of minor successes but the majority of the trips were fishless.

Then a couple of days ago hit an area after a 30 min bushwalk in, that probably doesn't see alot of squid jigs and ended up having the most incredible squid session. Over the space of an hour including an unbelievable 5 casts for 5 conversions in a row the below haul was achieved.


In hind site, probably should have thrown a few back. But a totally empty fridge/freezer and planned jewie sessions over the next few weeks convinced me otherwise. All were caught around 1800-1900 with a high tide at ~1800, with the same jig and casting to exactly the same 2x2m area of water. The biggest had a 35cm hood. And, not a wharf with lights or man-made structure insight.

It's great to know there are still areas in Sydney that are worth 'exploring'. Just have to put in the time.

Also, earlier in the day, predawn, had a hit a local wharf hoping for a jew, but instead this interesting bycatch took a whole small squid.


Easily a pb for me. Went 42cm.

Also, have an ethical question to ask - a couple years ago, livebaiting for kings off some central coast rocks, ended up gill hooking a rat king - would not have been 50cm. By the time it was hauled up, it was bleeding badly with no chance of survival. Clearly undersize but clearly going to die - it felt disrespectful to throw it back only to float belly up, bleeding slowly to death. It seemed more appropriate to 'respect' it's death and eat it. What do you guys do when this occurs?

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Great report mate, there isnt much u can do when that happens :( i guess its a part just a part of life. Ive never had that prob with a small king yet so i guess i carnt answer that question. Nice squid u ended up catching, good feed :thumbup:

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Great work on the Squid and Bream, but about the King, just throw them in the water and nature will take its course, if you are found with an undersize King, $200 and your gear may be taken, not worth it, although i know how you feel, had to throw a Few baby Jews back that were not gonna make it, i remember i threw one back and an Eagle swooped down and scooped it out of the water to his nest.

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good work on catching some great squid. i know how you feel when you catch an undersize fish that is bleeding or not going to make it. it is best to put it back in the water, and let nature takes it course. if you get caught with undersize fish, fisheries are not going to be interested why it has died, or your reasons to keep it. they will see an undersize fish and take action.

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Tasty looking haul. And good on you for putting in the hard yards in the search of lb spots!

On the under-size kingy question, I understand the feeling of respecting the fish not wanting to "waste" it. However, just because your not allowed to eat it, doesn't mean that something won't end up eating it :1prop: So not a complete waste... circle of life and all that!

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Also, have an ethical question to ask - a couple years ago, livebaiting for kings off some central coast rocks, ended up gill hooking a rat king - would not have been 50cm. By the time it was hauled up, it was bleeding badly with no chance of survival. Clearly undersize but clearly going to die - it felt disrespectful to throw it back only to float belly up, bleeding slowly to death. It seemed more appropriate to 'respect' it's death and eat it. What do you guys do when this occurs?

Called up fisheries a few years ago about this problem and they advised that I should still throw it back because legally it is undersized and you can't really prove that you did not inflict the injuries yourself.

On a practical aspect "waste not want not".

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