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Small Dollies


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Had to go to a party last night and hit the :beersmile: pretty hard, so didnt get out

till 9.30am. Hit the live bait grounds [shark island] and got about 40 yakkas then

straight out to some fish traps and port hacking fad. First trap had small dollies

but wouldnt touch the livies so off to the second trap where there were dollies

jumping everywhere. We then had a solid bite for the next 1 hour catching little

dolphin fish and kingfish on live baits, jigs and spinning lures, that was the first time

I have jigged up dollies :thumbup: . They started slowing up so we made our way to the Port

Hacking fad where again there were little dollies everywhere. Fished it for the next

hour until we ran out of live bait and they went off the jigs. All up we caught over

sixty dollies but only kept two as they ranged from 45cm - 64cm. All up - good day

out and good to see the dollies are back just waiting for those big bulls to turn up!

Cheers Mike

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Nice work Mike, good to hear they've arrived, i read somewhere theres some marlin about to so i guess that warmer current has finally got down here. Lets hope everything heats up to finish off summer.



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thats great they the dollies are here i want to start catching them this year

how far out are the traps

fisherboy :1fishing1:

It's not a matter of how far they are, but where they are. Sometimes you can get lucky and find one or two... on other days there seem to be none at all.

I've found that polarois sunnies work wonders when looking for them. Anyone else got any tips?

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It's not a matter of how far they are, but where they are. Sometimes you can get lucky and find one or two... on other days there seem to be none at all.

I've found that polarois sunnies work wonders when looking for them. Anyone else got any tips?

I havn't heard that one before, I couldn't tell the difference with or without my Shimano sunnies.

It's a case of low swell and wind to be able to see them.


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FISHERBOY the traps I found were a few miles south and south east of the 12 mile.

PLANKTON I find wearing no sunnies works best for me, might have to give those polarios sunnies a go.

I think IFISHSICK hit the nail on the head, no swell and wind definately helps spotting them.

SIMDA the yakkas are everywhere but I find in between blackwoods beach and cabbage patch is the best

you can see them when you stop there.

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