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The Weekly Welcome!


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:1welcomeani: to all the new members in the last week. The forum is made up of beginners to the experienced fisho and all are willing to help. We are a family friendly site. Looking forward to reading your posts :1fishing1:

Your moderators are jewhunter, flightmanager, mrs flightmanager, MallacootaPete, johnno, chopper75, Hodgey, slinkymalinky, swordfisherman and mrsswordfisherman.

Hello to,

graham & leena, roscoe c, bugage, Tim W-F, HRTC, korg20000bc, glaz, finbar, con, husky, Simmo, Jack S, fishnships, Gator, kizzor95, Phillbo, oms, barneybill, fish killer, mudcrab1, mr samkee, oshuyi, SNAPPER HEAD, mickw, mhbj, hosko64, lifeguard, Scott46, GraGra_46, forlani, GoFish Chuck, Aaron Bostock, Techno Monkey, fish'n magician, AMtanos, rustyroo, two dogs, MRy, ImpalaPete, Citypainter, O Mihalis, vincent, Yak Strap, jas sydney, picko, GoFish steve, diabolical, wadsy, DaveP, thomas1, steve76, BU5TER, Demondes, BUSTED UP.

Fill in your profiles or introduce yourselves here


Make sure you are familiar with our site rules


Drop in to the Live Chat room for a natter.

If you need any help or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact myself, Admin, or any of the moderators.

Welcome, and enjoy Fishraider :thumbup:

Cheers Glenn (chopper75) :yahoo:

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