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Thursday 22nd Harbour On Fire


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Woke up at 3:30 this morning in search of the early morning squid. managed to pull in only one, although saw plenty swimming around. as light hit i was packed up and ready to board the Andrew express. Mates boat. Went out around Middle Harbour to find surface action (Kingfish, Salmon, Tailor). Had a very quick session before work. Hit first by kingies, followed by sambos and the more common tailor. i was very unfortunate to get a nasty bite by a decent size tailor. i should have used the pliers, although the action was to rapid and intense so tried taking the lure out with my fingers to later discover the pain of teeth breaking the skin. Was covered in blood (my blood). next time i will be sure to take first aid with me.




All fish released :1fishing1:


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I watched yesterday as my mate Polly tried to hold a flathead by the lip - he then got munched by it....

I know I shouldn’t laugh... but as it was only a flesh wound.... hahahahaha - its a lesson we all have learnt the hard way....

I say as long as it doesn’t require stitches - it’s okay to have a little laugh when your mate gets bitten by a fish!! (I’ve been waiting for Rex hunt to get nailed on the lips for many years....)

Anyhow nice post - I have been tempted to fish middle harbour, but always get distracted way before I get there by the main harbour itself!


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