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Aust Day Landbased Pb

Moro Mou

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After a quite weekend with the boat staying dry i could not shake the fishing bug so i opted for another landbased session to end the day. A small bream and a tailor on rubbers followed by a yakka. Unfortunately for the yakka it did not go back in and the fillets came off and one reentered the water with a 2/0 hook in it.

A few minutes passed before the slack line dissappeared and i came up solid. At first i thought yep a good flatty but after it had a couple of great runs and plenty of head shakes i thought for a moment it may have been a small jew. Yet again fishing only 4lb leader it was a case of letting the fish do its stuff and getting back line when i could. When the big girl appeared from the depths i thought here we go again how am i going to land this one. Some close calls wading thru the oysters and onto the only patch of sand i could find and eventually had a thumb grip on her. A couple of very quick photos and then back into the drink she went. She stayed in the shallows for a minute or two before slowly turning her head and swimming back to the depths. At 76 cm she was a PB for me and a great way to cap off Aust Day.

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