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10 / 2 / 2009 Botany Bay


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Hi Everyone ,

Well i Decided to fish Botany Bay to see if any kingfish were still lurking around , the weather looked good the night before so an early start was the best option . I had my fingers crossed that the southerly would blow some nice clean water into the bay as the weekend looked like coffee coloured water . Now i love fishing changing weather conditions but it almost felt like winter out there . A quick stop at the bait grounds and from that point on i new the day was going to be great , the water was clear and the bait was holding well and in 30 mins it was time to go kingfish hunting . My deckie for the day was Green horn Jye and since he had never caught a legal Kingfish before i set the rod and let him know he was first on strike . Now we would have trolled for around 10 minutes when the rod buckled . Now for an inexperienced angler that had never caught a legal king it all went to plan and with the onboard coaching he soon had his first Kingfish onboard :yahoo: . With a smile of a happy fisherman it went 90 cm . Now it was my turn on the rod and we quickly made another pass over the kingfish ground and this time the rod buckled and reel screamed i knew it was a solid fish and was hopeing the fish would stop after a bit of a tug of war tussle i soon had a metre plus fish in the boat :thumbup::yahoo: . It was now Jyes turn on the rod and once again it didn't take long and a 74 cm fish was soon in the boat the greenhorn was on fire... :thumbup: So off we go again and im on strike , the rod lasted about 10 minutes when it buckled again and a 89 cm king was soon boated :thumbup: . It was a top day out the rain seemed to just miss us all day and the best part was the absence of other boats , this made a huge diffence as the kings were not spooked....




1070 MM KING









Cheers..... Dogtooth :1fishing1: John..... :beersmile:

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Well done mate.. Looks like you cant go without a downrigger in the bay for big kings..

Great fish there. Did you end up catching any fish on Saturday?? It was pretty quiet all round. I hauled in 2 aussie salmons and let me tell you it was a big let down as we made the effort to get out early and burley up some big juicy yakkas.

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Nice catch there Dogtooth, good to hear the water has cleared up as it was putrid on sunday.We fished from cronulla to kurnell and the water temp had dropped to as low as 17.5 do you no what the water temperature was in the bay.

Cheers Mike

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