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Sat/sun Morning Fishing Alone In The Rain!1


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Hey Raiders,

Its has been a month since my last post.

I've been too busy fishing to get on the computer of late.

Many hours of time spent researching and trying for mulloway but to date nothing.

I managed to get permission to do an all nighter or Saturday and so grab my gear and got down to the harbour spot just on midnight,

Spend three long hours trying to fill my bucket with yakkas.

It was right on high tide but it seemed that there was not a fish anywhere.

This was weird as normally i get bites as soon as i chuck in the line, and at least 4-5 yakkas landed within an hour.

This really got me cranky but rather than storming off in a huff i persisted and to my luck the rain eased up for a period. :mad3:


Out of nowhere a big fat old bream smashes it and adter a nervous min or two i had the hungry beast landed!!!! (See pic)

He measured 34cm to the fork and weighed in at an even 1kg.

Not long after this i i had fish all over the joint.

I think that the commotion of the bream and the calming of the rain woke up the fish because in no time i had another bream (25cm just legal), two 20cm tailor and 6 yakkas.

Not to mention numerous bust offs!! :1prop:

There was not enough room in mu bucket for all of them so i had the tailors hooked and casted out on the bigger heavier gear bridle rigged in the hope for a hunting jew or king.

No luck but i was very happy anyway.

All my fishing mates reckon i was crazy to fish in the rain.

Next time it wet like this i will be out there again!!!

Take care all




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Thanks Roberta,

Yep PB bream for me each bream i catch gets a little bigger i'm finding.

The bite was so hot and really took my breath away just how active it got.

Also its one up on my son who scored a 31cn bream a few weeks ago. He just knows the spots at my local area sp well!!

He turned 8 years old last Saturday 14th Feb.

Which means that soon i can take him out for an overnight fishing session!!

(Dependant on what my ex agress to of course)

I tread carefully on this subjuect with her as we both got mega sun burnt on a session a few weeks ago and it was not good. Slip slop slap wrap yeah i know now i really really know.


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Nice fish mate good to see nice sized bream rather than miniature ones!

And yeah mate, slip slop slap.

Personally I dont wear sunscreen but I take a LOT of water with me so im rehydrated constantly. Sunscreen + a lot of drinking water should keep you and your young one out of trouble.

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