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Biggggggggg Flatty


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Thanks everyone for all your great replys. It is a great fish and one I will remember for a long time. I have been a lucky angler over the years and fished with some great blokes who have imparted great knowledge to me. I have been asked not to disclose the exact spot this fish was caught, as my mate took me there after many years of trial and error in finding consistant quality fish but, having said that it is in a very accessible area, with open water and plenty of cover from the NE. It would be safe to say, looking at peoples replys, that fish of this size are scattered about the whole system and could turn up anywhere.

The rig was a simple No1 bait keeper with a live poddy on a leader of about 1metre in length and a ball sinker about the size of a large pea above the swivel. I was using 15lb main with 25lb leader but very fine mono for its breaking strain, so it was like using much lighter gear. Cast into the current and left to swim swim swim

Thanks again.

Now for the next big fish :1prop:

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The fish of a lifetime. It was good to meet you and have a beer or two whilst listening to details

of a great capture. :beersmile: We might catch up again at another comp somewhere.

Once again congrats on the flatty. :1fishing1:

All the best, Phil.

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Holy :o thats a monster from the deep,and it looks in great condition too. my PB is 3 foot and 10 inches across the head.(didnt have any scales ).WOW fish like that are a capture of a lifetime u wont forget that in a hurry.

the ANSA record for a dusky stands at 9.44 kg caught in richmond river back in 83' for anyone wondering,doubt it will be broken any time soon.

Thanks for the info on the record. 9.44 kilos. Sheeeeeeeeeesh!

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Awesome fish, Brian!! Congrats on the croc!! With just the small hook, you were soooo lucky to bring her in! Gives you a warm & fuzzy feeling putting them back, eh?

Glad you missed the mayhem on the F3 ........ good thing you'd stopped for fuel earlier! :wacko:

Sounds like you had a bunch of fun with your mates, fishing up a storm. Chappos fish look pretty good, too!!



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