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Braid Tangles


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Just a few things i've noticed.

I find that it happens alot less if i dont wind the leader through the guides when you are casting so that it is not getting caught and causing a mini jolt during your cast (and sometimes causing a knot around one of your guides?) This seems to happen more if your leader and or braid are too big for the guides on your rod. I think the line keeps coming off the spool and not travelling through the guides resulting in the eggbeater version of an overrun. Your knots seem to be happier if the dont continually bang on the guides too.

Maybe try a different leader knot. I pretty much always use a double uni but others here may like alternatives. It just depends what you like. Different braids also behave differently in different breaking strains.

Also when you are doing a flick and take up the slack style retrieve and winding slack line onto your reel. When this happens sometimes it loops come off the spool out of turn causing a wind knot. Try winding in with the line under pressure every now and then (some people say every 5 to 10 casts but just keep an eye on it) to make sure you dont accumulate loose line on your spool.

Good luck

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I have found the only time I get tangles when casting braid is when I use light line 10lb or under & I've found that for me it is ALWAYS caused by me not winding line back on with enough tension.

That allows loops, even tiny partial loops to form & withing a cast or 2 I've got a horrible tangle. Saying that I have also found cast tangles always seem to be easy to untangle too. Maybe thats just me. I've never had a problem with heavier line though.

My suggestion is when you tie your leader knots (I use double uni) trim the tags very short & casting will be easier. And make sure you tention the line as you retrieve & hopefully you should minimse problems.


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Hi adzzy,

Can you sell us what reel and what braid you're using ?

Cheers Ryan

hey Ryan

im not sure i'll sell it to you but i will tell you :1prop: im using an okuma salina saf80 and berkley spiderwire 20lb

cheers adam

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There are all kinds of things you can do to mitigate against birds nest/loose loops, but the single most useful thing u can do, is to make sure u load ur braid onto the spool under a decent load so the line is packed in nice and tight.

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Hello Adzzy,

I agree with all the tips already given but i can also add - make sure you don't overfill the spool. Some may have a different theory but i think 2 - 3 mm below the rim is the max you want to go.

The other is ensure the roller arm is on the top side of the rod when you grab the line before the cast. Ie holding the rod you should be able to reach the line with your trigger finger before you flip the bale. This ensures that the gap between where the line leaves the spool and where you are holding it is the shortest and therefore less likelihood of a big loop coming off when you cast. I often see people grab the line at the furthest point away from the rod and thus creating a big loop before you have even started to cast.

Hope this helps.


Moro Mou

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