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Botany Bay 18/03/09 - Top Days Fishing


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Decided to take the day off work yesterday and go fishing in the Bay early morning. Dad, my cousin Maher and myself hit the water around 6am.

It was blue skys and beautiful calm waters.

Went straight away to the Kings ground and target some Kingies. No luck their with no bites for about an hour.

Went to spot X in the bay and did not move at all from 7:30am until 12:30pm due to the amount of bites we had.

Burleyed all morning with lots of success. At the end of the day we had 44 fish in the bucket for a big family seafood feast tonight. 18 Snapper, 13 Trevally, 2 Flounders, 2 Flatties, 1 Salmon, 3 Bream, 5 large Yellow tails which look like small kingies. (Jumpus told me the name of these, but i forgot what it was)

It was a really fun and rewarding day, especially catching the Trevally's and the 60cm Salmon which weighed in at 2.4kg.

It was great fun on light tackle seeing the salmon jump out of the water....

I tell ya, nothing beats a good days fishing....



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nice catch... where's a pic of the snapper??

18 is a good number from the bay............. :huh:

My cousin took the snappers and some of the other fish, so i missed taking the shots of them.

Just had the trevally's, flathead, flounders & king yellow tails for dinner.....yummyyyyyyyyyy...

Edited by Majed
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[Nice day fishing, thats a lot of fish to take home. Hope you made good use of them all. Sorry, if you used them all then great , i just hate it when people keep everything they catch is all. Its really sad to see sometimes.. but you did say you had a big family so all is good

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[Nice day fishing, thats a lot of fish to take home. Hope you made good use of them all. Sorry, if you used them all then great , i just hate it when people keep everything they catch is all. Its really sad to see sometimes.. but you did say you had a big family so all is good

Trust me, we have a big family.....not even one fish left........yuummyyyy

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Nice mixed bag mate! it's always nice to feed the family, I don't even like eating much fish but the family does :1prop:

What were you guys using for bait? Lucky on the snapper I've never caught a legal one there, 18 is lucky!


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Nice mixed bag mate! it's always nice to feed the family, I don't even like eating much fish but the family does :1prop:

What were you guys using for bait? Lucky on the snapper I've never caught a legal one there, 18 is lucky!


I have never caught so many fish in the Bay at all, little own 18 snapper...it was one of those days where everything went well.....It will probably never happen again....we were using prawns, squd & chicken breast...Chicken was absolutely firing....

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