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Shovelnose Rays

Ray R

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I have been told by a few people that the humble Shovelnose is a good firm fleshy fish and is really nice to eat once you have filleted it and skinned it.

So what do you Raiders think, should I keep the next one I get, or give them a miss and chuck them back..


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Hey Ray,

I was wondering why you were throwing them back ?

The few I have caught were pretty good, though had a bit of an ammonia smell. Nice flesh and there is a bit there, small ones fillet out like a flathead.

My missus now says no sharks/rays, as she reckons they are at risk of being wiped out and serve a purpose in the ecology. If I get one I think worthwhile keeping I might keep him, but havent gotten one for a while.


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I dont know what i did wrong but about 2 or 3 years ago I caught a heap in jarvis bay so I decided to try one and it was garbage!!! no possible way you could eat it. very rubbery and sinuey,just crap. one bite spat it out and threw it in the bin!

maybe you guys are talking about a different species or maybe at certain times of the year they are no good?? maybe I tried the wrong part, but I dont think so. I tried the part basically beside the gut area down the length of the tail is that correct?


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Howdy Ray,

I have eaten a few times and they were pretty good. The trick i found was to kill and remove their head as soon as caught and this significantly improved the flesh quality and removed the ammonia smell/build up. I don't know the science behind this but it seemed to work. Given the firm nature of the flesh we actually skinned, cubed and made kebabs a few times. In my opinion there is no doubt that there are better eating fish but they are far from the worst i have tried. Also the head tied to a rope doubles as a great beach worm magnet!.

Happy chewing.


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Thanks Raiders for your time to reply, I think the next one I get will have to be filleted right after capture kept nice in some clean salty ocean water then taken home skinned and cooked , that way I will know for sure what they are like.. Thanks again Raiders..


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