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Para River


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Havnt been for a fish for almost 3 weeks, decided to fish near my house for a bit on sat, using 2 of the hard bodies i bought about a month ago SX40s. Managed to see some bream, quite a few small ones and about 2 big ones that were grazing around the pontoon. Managed to spook the big ones with the lures, while i was working it past them. The small ones just followed...when i paused they just looked at it and followed again.

That was about it! Caught a few 15cm tailor.....And i gave up!

Decided to use a more traditional method. Bread! berlyed up, put on a light float, size 10 hook, caught a 26cm bream which went back after a quick snap. As well as heaps of undersized ones, including one that measured 7cm! Soon, poddy mullets moved in and caught 11 which i wanted to use for bait today. But unfortunately i didnt get to go out today either! Guess they're going to be used for beach worms.



Justin :1fishing1:

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