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Just Another Sunday


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left roseville ramp early sunday morning with a mate and went straight to the wave ryder marker to find dollies everywhere but all to small to keep dropped down to about 15 metres below surface but they were all still too small. bottom bashed all up the coast but all we got were jackets and small ones only. lost about 30 leaders between us. returned about 2pm very :( but it was worth the trip i could have been mowing the lawn :05: . back to making more weights and leaders

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left roseville ramp early sunday morning with a mate and went straight to the wave ryder marker to find dollies everywhere but all to small to keep dropped down to about 15 metres below surface but they were all still too small. bottom bashed all up the coast but all we got were jackets and small ones only. lost about 30 leaders between us. returned about 2pm very :( but it was worth the trip i could have been mowing the lawn :05: . back to making more weights and leaders

anything from 100mtres to 20mtres

YA mate I know we went out on saturday and had the same thing happen to us mulloway mick,bream reeper & and I we were at the fad doilles were to small. :05:

Well mybe next time

i would say give them about 2weeks and they will probably be big enough im not giving up they taste great

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Nine of us went up to Long Reef on Saturday to experience our worst catch rate for about five years. Unless you got your bait down to the bottom and hit a fish on the head, the swarm of jackets got you.

We have never seen them so thick and that's saying something given they have been with us for about four years now. The sea conditions were great but little wind and hungry jckeat make for a most frustrating day.

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hey im pretty new to outside fishing. do you have the marker points for the wave rider boy. how far is it from rose bay. i have a 5.2 meter half cabin haines hunter classic with a 115, how far would you take a boat this size.


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