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Port Stephens Fishing


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Hi all, i plan on going up to Port Stephens/Nelson Bay over easter and will most likely take my boat up. Can anyone give me some tips or locations that hold some good fish up there? My boats just a tinny so nothing offshore unfortunately.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


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Greg Fishing around the Tomaree headland is worth a try. The water flows through rather quickly so around half an hour each side of the top or bottom of the tide is best

To obtain the latest info , suggest a trip to the local tackle stores . There are 2 in Nelson Bay , one near the Information center but parking can be difficult , the other is in town opposite the supermarket.

There is another in the servo next to the Salamanda shopping center. I'v generally found this one to be the best. If I recall correctly they also have maps.

Talking of maps , be aware that areas of PS are a marine park so suggest you pick up a map from the tackle store as the fines can be rather expensive.

Others have asked similar questions in the past regarding fishing the PS bay. Suggest you use the "Search" function , some of the information may be usefull


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Take some snorkelling gear as to the left side of little beach there is an awesome spot where everyone snorkels....there are hundreds of bream there up to the 2kg mark....awesome sight they will take bread from your fingers in 3 feet of water....definitely worth a look....cant remember what the point is called but anyone in town will be able to tell you....

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Take some snorkelling gear as to the left side of little beach there is an awesome spot where everyone snorkels....there are hundreds of bream there up to the 2kg mark....awesome sight they will take bread from your fingers in 3 feet of water....definitely worth a look....cant remember what the point is called but anyone in town will be able to tell you....

It's Fly Point and it is definitely worth a snorkel. You can see huge whiting, flathead, luderick, mullet, bream etc. Can't fish there, of course. Go around an hour before high tide in the morning.


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