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Hummingbird 350tx


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i have a hummingbird 350tx, are they hopeless or is it just me? no speed,no water temp, any1 else got one, i was thinking of getting a different unit fitted , ive seen coloured sounders for around $400 to $500 i dont need nuthen to flash as im mainly fishen lake macquarie, not the ocean.

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i have a hummingbird 350tx, are they hopeless or is it just me? no speed,no water temp, any1 else got one, i was thinking of getting a different unit fitted , ive seen coloured sounders for around $400 to $500 i dont need nuthen to flash as im mainly fishen lake macquarie, not the ocean.

has anyone even heard of these? :bump0ee::bump0ee:

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

G'day Diver,

I had a Hummingbird 250dx for years, it was easy to use ,good clear screen,tough as nails,could be read in any light from any angle,would hold bottom at any speed, but it was a lieing bastard of a thing and i was glad to get rid of it and update to a colour sounder (lowrance) and i have never been happier.

Do it mate ,ditch the " Liarbird" and you won't look back.

Cheers mate. :beersmile:

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