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Coal And Candle


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My first post on this great forum. Went out last Friday (I know late report) to an old fishing haunt of mine. I used to fish this area some 15 yrs back and have just returned from a long stint in Perth. Got myself a nice little boat and off I went. I forgot how dark it was at 5.00am especially with no moon. Trying to find my spot which I find due to a certain shaped rock was almost impossible in pitch black but I got close (as I found when I could see). Very quiet for the first hour, I think I was awake before the fish. Reeling in a bait I got hit by a nice Tailor which was around the 3.5 - 4lb mark. After a lot of taking little reds off my hook I almost gave up then decided to try around the corner when I spotted a bit of gull and tern activity. During the week I had bought a river2sea searock 7 lure on recommendation from this site. Second cast near the birds and bang, I was onto my first Kingfish. Geez these things are amazingly powerful fish and it took me around 20 mins to get it in on 4kg gear. Just as it looked beat it would go again, deep and around the boat. I was starting to think I might lose it. Anyway I told a friend of my old mans who is an old fisho and he wouldnt believe I caught a Kingy near Cottage Point. Anyone else here hooked em there? Oh the fish was 8lb and a solid bugger.

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Welcome to the site BlueEye. Yep I pick up plenty of tips off FR, great community.

The much maligned but reliable tailor are a wonderful fish, I am sure many of us cut our teeth on them as youngsters and first got the fishing bug from their feisty fighting.

Kingy eh? Jealous, yet to get one myself, being land based and a bit of an amateur I disapeair these days :1prop:


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I was out there on Friday also... not sure if I saw you...were you in a blue boat?

It was unbelievebly dark. I couldnt see 2m in front with the fog until the sun started rising.

Ive caught kings there before but not so prolific like Syd Harbour, and you have to move around to find them. I landed a 50cm tailor but no Kings that day, I guess I should have ventured further up rather than trolling the lower reaches. The water was very muddy and no bird/surface activity.



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Hi Ken,

No I was in a white Searay 18ft with a distinct black bimini folded up (when it wasnt spitting rain that is). I am off out tomorrow morning but from Rowlands reserve this time and maybe pop up to Portuguese and see if there are any of the mighty kings around there. Any ideas when these fish disappear ie: is there a time of year where you wont catch these inside?


Steve (AKA BlueEye)

I was out there on Friday also... not sure if I saw you...were you in a blue boat?

It was unbelievebly dark. I couldnt see 2m in front with the fog until the sun started rising.

Ive caught kings there before but not so prolific like Syd Harbour, and you have to move around to find them. I landed a 50cm tailor but no Kings that day, I guess I should have ventured further up rather than trolling the lower reaches. The water was very muddy and no bird/surface activity.



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