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Pre-made Rigs


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Hi there,

I would like to know of any rigs i could make that will help me net certain fish.

for example i have heard for bream in calm water to use..

the mainline with a ball sinker then a swivel then 30-50cm leader and a long shank hook

can anyone share some rigs they use because that is pretty much my entire Repertoire.

sorry if this has been asked before.


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Richard I'm sure you will receive some good feed back from your enquiry.

The other place to look is Google. Type , Fishing Rigs into the Google search inquiry.

There are quite a few options to choose from inc bream rigs


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so im tying up a flathead rig now

Richard If your making up spare rigs here is something that may be of interest for storage

Inexpensive , easy to store & easy to find with the name written on each plastic bag



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Richard If your making up spare rigs here is something that may be of interest for storage

Inexpensive , easy to store & easy to find with the name written on each plastic bag



thanks heaps i was just looking around my desk for a cork or something to keep each rig in :)

another question for you.

what type of fish would i be looking at catching realistically in sydney keeping in mind i am landbased? i mostly go to bobbin head and apple tree bay, but i might go to clifton gardens tomorrow night or greenwich boat ramp.

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another question for you.

what type of fish would i be looking at catching realistically in sydney keeping in mind i am landbased? i mostly go to bobbin head and apple tree bay, but i might go to clifton gardens tomorrow night or greenwich boat ramp.

Richard I not land based so not able to offer much advice. There is a guy on FR , "Simmo"

He does a lot of land based on the Nth side inc Clifton Gardens.

Suggest a PM , he should be able to assist.


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Richard If your making up spare rigs here is something that may be of interest for storage

Inexpensive , easy to store & easy to find with the name written on each plastic bag



omg ur a genious i been looking for all types of crazy ways to keep my pre made rigs lol i didnt even think of doing that.

Thanks :thumbup:



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say i was going to a new spot and i didnt know what fish were around there.. what sort of a rig would i have as a sort of "general/all-purpose" rig" to chuck in to see whats swimming about?

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If there isnt much current, try just tying the hook straight to the end of the line. THis will float down naturally in the water. It doesnt have to plummet to the bottom, you actually want it to take time to get to the bottom. Just a small ball sinker to get it down if you need to. Especially at Clifton Gardens, you want to burley consistently, which will sink slowly, and then drop your bait into the trail. This will work for everything. Tricky rigs can help sometimes, but simplicity is often the best. Let us know how you go.

The Poacher

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I find that when I used to store my pre-made rigs in bags they would always get tangled when pulling them out.

Now I use a length of swimming pool noodle and wrap the rigs around and hook them into the noodle.

Good advice Tan :thumbup: Noodles are easiest and cheapest way to store made up rigs and you can make tracks in the noodles by tightly winding on the leader and the tracks keep all types of rigs separate and neat and tidy as well.....



jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Richard I not land based so not able to offer much advice. There is a guy on FR , "Simmo"

He does a lot of land based on the Nth side inc Clifton Gardens.

Suggest a PM , he should be able to assist.


PM sent to Richard.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Geoff mate :biggrin2:


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Good advice Tan :thumbup: Noodles are easiest and cheapest way to store made up rigs and you can make tracks in the noodles by tightly winding on the leader and the tracks keep all types of rigs separate and neat and tidy as well.....



jewgaffer :1fishing1:

thats similar to what i do now, but one day i was bored so instead of buying a noodle i made up a cyclinder out of rubber foam type thing, so basically the same as a noodle, but i find that as a land based fisho im always trying to stuff it into a back pack and my gang hooks never want to sit just right in them, so i think with gang hook rigs the bags are gonna be the way to go so i can put them in a back pack without to much hassle

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I find that when I used to store my pre-made rigs in bags they would always get tangled when pulling them out.

Now I use a length of swimming pool noodle and wrap the rigs around and hook them into the noodle.

Tangling , I think it depends on the line used. A mate of mine uses the bag system but makes his rigs out of normal fishing line & they do tend to get slightly tangled from time to time .

I use leader line & find no problems with tangling.

Also there is only one rig per bag.

Noodles. I used to use cork some years back & found several problems.

** If the cork (noodle) becomes wet then the rigs can become rusty , especially the tips of the hook which were stuck into the cork.

Being sealed in the bag , in the plastic box this is no longer an issue

** The cork used to take up a lot more space in the tackle box than the plastic box. The box in the photo currently has 16 rigs , could easily fit another 4 or 5 if needed

** I use a variety of rigs , Flathead , Snapper , Bream , trolling etc , depending on the day . With the cork had trouble trying to remember which was which. I now write the name on each bag so easy to identify.

Also , if I use / loose several rigs on an outing just check the empty bags when I get home & know which ones to replace


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I think Geoff's zip lock bag is a pretty good method for storing your made up rigs... I used this method before using short pieces of cotton covered pipe cleaners available in tobacco shops and twisted the pipe cleaner pieces clock wise to hold the rigs together and undoing them anti clockwise to prevent the wire inside the cotton from jammin up... The downside of using noodles is that the hooks will rust if left in the boat or if the noodles are not kept dry and after having been sprayed with wd40, put away in a fairly air tight room in a tackle bag after use...


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I use the sandwich bag method for my bottom bouncing gear

2 or 3 dropper rigs alreade tied per bag

Same for my trout bait rigs

A bit more tight if traveling a round from boat to boat

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