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Happy Easter And Be Safe


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:1fishing1: I would just like to wish everyone a very happy and safe easter.. :icon_peace: Not just on the water butn on the roads as well. :thumbup:

Take care and say hello to another raider if you see one on the water :1boat:

I will be up at Lake Macquarie between Swansea channel and Pullbar island

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Enjoy your long weekend Raiders. Judging by the extraordinary boat traffic in the last 24h, fishing is on the agenda for a lot of people this holiday period, and the weather certainly looks favourable for those venturing outside down here.

My eldest son is visiting after 16 months, so I presume :beersmile: and :1fishing1: will be high on his priorities :thumbup: We are also looking at taking a quick trip up the highway to Bermi to see what the outside blokes are catching. Stay safe on the water, and PLEASE remember all the new regs that have come into place recently.



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